How to Make a Content Plan

For many of us, life is looking a little differently, thanks to the outbreak of Coronavirus. For small businesses, this doesn’t mean to sit back and wait for it to all blow over. It means digging deep, finding resources to carry on and making it through challenging times. Your marketing efforts should continue, or double […]

Should Instagram Get Rid Of Likes?

The latest rumours are surrounding Instagram, who are supposedly trialling out a new version of the app where post likes aren’t visible to its followers. However, you can still see the number of likes you’ve gained on your personal posts. Rumour has it, a tester of this prototype feature has shared Screenshots on Twitter advertising […]

Social Media Trends You Need To Know In 2019

Now that we’re a few months in to 2019 let’s share what we’ll be seeing across social media for the rest of the year. I’ve had a chance to get a feel for what’s already happening this year and where I think it’ll take social media as a whole. Knowing the trends that are predicted […]

The Latest Ad Format from Pinterest: Promoted Carousels

  Pinterest released a new ad format late last year. We’ve been using Pinterest ads for numerous clients and thought that it could be handy for lots of businesses to learn how to make the most out of their latest ad format! Promoted Carousels are a great way for businesses to showcase their products and […]