How to Make a Content Plan

For many of us, life is looking a little differently, thanks to the outbreak of Coronavirus.

For small businesses, this doesn’t mean to sit back and wait for it to all blow over. It means digging deep, finding resources to carry on and making it through challenging times. Your marketing efforts should continue, or double up if they were lacking before, to reach as many people as possible.

Having the daily task of posting to social media seems like a real chore and more often than not, people put it off. Which is understandable! But then weeks go by and your social media channels have gone cold, likewise with engagement and connections with current and potential customers.

So, here is what we recommend.

Make a content plan for the next four weeks. Sit down for an hour or two one night and get everything created and scheduled so you can rest easier knowing your social media presence is still alive and kicking.

It can be as simple as this example from Twitter Business:

Content plan example














Our top tips

  • Try starting with the 80-20 rule. 80% of your content should be to inform, educate or entertain your audience. The other 20% of the time should be spend promoting your brand or selling your products.
  • Don’t post every day. Users will get bored of your posts, stop reading the content and start scrolling past your page and posts.
  • Use images! Compelling images will get you seen
  • Use the same tone of voice you would as if speaking to a customer
  • Try to be consistent with your branding – use your logo in pictures, mention your taglines if you have them and refer to yourself in the same way (we/I/the team).

Hopefully this quick blog has given you the pointers to get started on your content plan.

Some of you may take this and run with it and create some amazing stuff! But, if you’re still unsure, give us a ring. We can offer advice and tips on where to get started. And if this is really not you’re thing, we can take it off your hands and do it for you. So, those are your options 😊


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